We are a cognitive-interactionist school and understand that our methodology is based on a reformed Christian worldview and finds academic sustainability through partnerships with traditional educational institutions (Mackenzie, Abeka, Maison des Langues). Another key element of our method is project-based learning, inspired by the Swiss educational vision to provide memorable moments and experiences, making learning interactive, meaningful, and relevant to the student’s development. We combine this with the principles of classical Christian education, applying methods and techniques of proven effectiveness over the centuries to ensure a solid ethical and moral formation for the student body. Finally, we do everything Coram Deo, meaning that all our didactic and pedagogical practices are carried out as a way to worship God and glorify Him in the exercise of our vocation.
We understand Portuguese as the official language of our school, and therefore it is our primary focus for the linguistic development of our children. From our Garderie (nursery), we begin work on phonological awareness.
Entendemos o português como língua oficial de nossa escola e por isso é nosso foco principal para um bom desenvolvimento linguístico de nossas crianças. Desde nossa Garderie (berçário) já iniciamos o trabalho de conscientização fonológica.​
We work on literacy using the phonics method, and to provide even closer attention, we have a literacy coordination team that supports students from ages 4 to 6 to manage the transition from Early Childhood Education to Elementary School.
In both Elementary School (Fundamental I and II), the encouragement of good literature and the practice of cursive writing become more prominent as the student progresses until reaching High School, where we prepare them for the Portuguese language exams at universities. Starting from the 6th grade, we introduce classical philosophy classes to develop the students' logical, rhetorical, and dialectical skills.
Our approach in Early Childhood Education is to provide playful experiences for an initial contact with the French language.
In Elementary School (Fundamental I), we start with a French book focused on the communicative method to ensure that children can develop in the language in a structured manner. In Fundamental II, we work to prepare students for the DELF certification exam in the 9th grade. The classes are held twice a week.
Discover Our Partnerships and Endorsements:
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Intercultural Curriculum &
International Partnerships
Annually, we hold a contest where 2 students win an all-expenses-paid trip to Switzerland (including airfare, accommodation, and activities). More than just a trip, the goal is to facilitate an exchange with our partner school. In addition to Geneva, we visit other Swiss cities and spend a day in the French town of Montblanc.
To participate, students must read the entire Bible in 365 days according to the Chronological Reading Plan. As a tiebreaker, we consider the highest GPA (average of all grades). Students are disqualified if they have a grade below 8.0 in French or if they have received any warnings.
Starting from the 6th grade, parents can separately arrange this exchange and send their children as well. For more information, please contact the school office.
We are partners with the only Protestant Christian school in the Swiss city of Geneva. In addition to academic cooperation benefits, our students have the opportunity to be received as exchange students for short periods or even transfer to complete their high school education there if they wish.
We support the Brazilian Education Fair in Geneva in partnership with the International Network for Protected Childhood and have connections with public agencies, local churches, and organizations that bring us closer to Switzerland and help us bring a bit of Brazil to Geneva.
Outdoor Experiences and
Practical Activities
Music Classes in the Curriculum Mandatory until 9th Grade
We have Visual Arts and Music classes at different times in our weekly schedule because we understand that music plays a crucial role in character development. We have a structured curriculum that works on musical education in Early Childhood and introduces instruments and music notation in Elementary School.
  • Welcome songs and class organization;
  • Praise and hymns always;
  • Contemplation of classical music in Early Childhood;
  • Stimulating curiosity through new rhythms and musical styles;
  • Parodies with class content created by students from Elementary II and High School;
  • Concentration music for study sessions and/or storytelling
“Music is the most powerful medium because rhythm and harmony reside in the soul. It enriches the soul, grants it grace, and enlightens those who receive true education.”
Educating Through Virtues
Love, Faith, and Zeal: Love, Humility, Diligence, Consistency, Courage, and Temperance.
Extra Etiquette Class
Choral Singing
Civic Moment
Sports activities are offered in the school’s own facilities, in affiliated clubs, and in public spaces such as beaches, skate parks, city parks...
Science education with plenty of practice, content, and fun!
Initiatives to Stimulate Knowledge and Faith:
We are a partner school of ABC2 and will use the materials produced by them in our High School classes to foster a desire in our students for academic careers and to show that Faith and Science go hand in hand.
A 3-month course for students and non-students aimed at introducing Apologetics, the defense of faith through reason, and preparing this next generation to give the world a reason for our faith as Peter instructs in his letter (1 Peter 3:15)
Exclusive Geneva Arts Material:
We use an exclusive Geneva arts educational material based on the PBL (Problem-Based Learning) methodology, which utilizes the themes of the projects carried out in the classroom. This approach provides a meaningful and stimulating learning experience for children, allowing them to explore creativity, expression, and critical thinking. The PBL methodology, recognized worldwide for its effective results, is a dynamic and interactive way of teaching, where students are encouraged to develop skills and competencies through problem-solving and investigating real and relevant topics. By applying this approach to the arts discipline, we aim to further enhance children's learning potential and encourage their active participation in the process.
Curriculum Developed in
Partnership with Renowned
International Institutions.
Operational Excellence through
Professional Management, Optimized Processes, and Strategic
KPIs, Ensuring High-Quality Service.
Christian Pedagogical Technical Staff, with Extensive
Experience and Academic Training.
Continuous Improvement Committee with
Weekly Meetings.
Notable and Recognized
Results Externally.
Technology Used According to
Neuroeducation Trends.
Austere School Regulations and
Affectionate Pedagogical Proposal.
“Today we invest in our children so that our grandchildren, in eternity, will also be our brothers!”
Vinícius Corrêa,
Founder Director
PhD candidate in Administration with emphasis on Education from the Université de Bordeaux, France, with a master's, MBA, and bachelor's degrees also in administration and services, with his undergraduate degree in International Hospitality from École Hôtelière de Lausanne, Switzerland. With 12 years of experience in education, Vinícius has worked for major educational groups in both higher and basic education in Brazil and abroad. In addition to directing the units of Escola Cristã Genebra, he founded Colégio Cristão Aggregare in 2023 and currently coordinates the Rede Internacional Infância Protegida in the state of Rio de Janeiro, developing child and adolescent protection actions. He is a Protestant Christian by birth and has been a theology teacher for teenagers and young people for nearly 20 years in the churches he has served.